Search Results

Search Results

Search results can be found in the results.sage.tsv file. The table below describes the columns that are present in this file.

peptidePeptide sequence, including modifications in ProForma format (e.g., NC[+57.021]HKGSFK).
proteinsSemicolon-delimited list of proteins matching the peptide sequence.
num_proteinsNumber of proteins matching the peptide sequence.
filenameFile containing this PSM
scannrSpectrum identifier from mzML file.
rankRank of the PSM. If report_psms > 1, then the best match will have rank = 1, the second best match will have rank = 2, etc.
labelTarget/Decoy label (-1: decoy, 1: target).
expmassExperimental mass of the peptide.
calcmassCalculated mass of the peptide.
chargeReported precursor charge.
pepide_lenLength of the peptide sequence.
missed_cleavagesNumber of missed cleavages.
isotope_errorC13 isotope error.
precursor_ppmDifference between experimental mass and calculated mass, reported in parts-per-million.
fragment_ppmAverage parts-per-million (delta mass) for matched fragment ions compared to theoretical ions.
hyperscoreX!Tandem hyperscore for the PSM.
delta_nextDifference between the hyperscore of this candidate and the next best candidate.
delta_bextDifference between the hyperscore of the best candidate (rank=1) and this candidate.
rtRetention time in minutes.
aligned_rtGlobally aligned retention time.
predicted_rtPredicted retention time, if enabled.
delta_rt_modelDifference between predicted and observed retention time.
ion_mobilityIon mobility of the precursor, if present in mzML.
predicted_mobilityPredicted ion mobility of the precursor, if ion mobility measurements are present in the mzML.
delta_mobilityDifference between predicted and observed ion mobility.
matched_peaksNumber of matched theoretical fragment ions.
longest_bLongest b-ion series.
longest_yLongest y-ion series.
longest_y_pctLongest y-ion series, divided by peptide length (as a fraction).
matched_intensity_pctFraction of MS2 intensity explained by matched b- and y-ions (as a percentage of total MS2 intensity for this spectrum).
scored_candidatesNumber of scored candidates for this spectrum.
poissonProbability of matching exactly N peaks across all scored candidates (Pr(x=k)).
sage_discriminant_scoreCombined score from linear discriminant analysis, used for FDR (False Discovery Rate) calculation.
posterior_errorPosterior error probability for this PSM / local FDR.
spectrum_qAssigned spectrum-level q-value.
peptide_qAssigned peptide-level q-value.
protein_qAssigned protein-level q-value.
ms2_intensityTotal intensity of MS2 spectrum.